Dec 29, 2009 Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Finally back on post after days of terror of waiting for the N level result but i actually pass and i am going back to secondary 5 woohoo!!!
Sep 3, 2009 Thursday, September 03, 2009
Sorry for not posting for many many many mnay Months !!! Today hothhousing so boring all the way mother tougue but fun talking to each other as my all prelim results have came all all pass only POA fail 47/100 as this score is not accepted by Ms kwok as she cannot belive i score this mark =( . 'N' Level next monday must buck up or else will go 'COLLEGE'(TINK SPELL WRONGLY) Gd luck to 4B .BTW Sakinah nowadays has become a loanshark as keep asking money for the up coming barbecue at Pasir ris when N level is over
Signing off
Apr 25, 2009 Saturday, April 25, 2009
SORRY FOR NOT POSTING.This few wk as i was very busy playing basketball and tell u what during pe lesson doing shuttle run i run 9.6 sec as i tink is veri slow liao then height and weight i just grown 7 cmnow is 168cm omg cannot belive myself i tink because of playing basketball every day OMG!!!! nothing to say liao
Apr 3, 2009 Friday, April 03, 2009
Sorry for not updating this few days as was so busy with homework and stuff so happy that yesterday in interclass Captain ball and Soccer we class 4B win 4C for both of the event as for captain ball (girls)4B 15-14 4C,as for soccer 4B 2-0 4C (Praba,Ahmad). today take 2 test POA and Maths i tink maths can get full mark for this retest as miss goh give enough time to do as for POA i tink cannot get full marks but will at least get a pass^^then i can relived liao ok got to go liao byebye
Posted by rOy
Mar 12, 2009 Thursday, March 12, 2009
Today Dragonball Evolution is in theatre cant wait to go and see...... casue i am a dragonball fans ^^ INTERCLASS BOYS Soccer 4B 0-1 4G (they play so rough make my leg pain even the ref is on their side thats why no foul even they play rough dam it)
INTERCLASS GIRLS Captain Ball 4B 21-9 4D(if i not wrong) congratulation for the girls ^^
and tution today is so boring feel like going to sleep and then situational writing every time so sian today in school A.I.P like so boring keep doing oral (not Oral B)=P
siging off
Mar 6, 2009 Friday, March 06, 2009
Sorry for not updating the blog cause too busy nowadays keep test fast test and more test get so streesed up and home work but still manage to hand in on time . i tink 2moro have soccer training i tink.nothing to say liao watching tv
Feb 23, 2009 Monday, February 23, 2009

pictures at changi beach

today was a very tiring day first lesson maths never brings maths file so sianzz tomro must before 7am pass it to Ms Goh or else will be scold by Mr Nazim then chemistry today i learn how to sleep and talk to the board casue Mr Han is like talking to the board and everybody was like sleeping lol then ENG still same filing then Bio learn plant reprodunction (tink so ) and assembly watch performance so sianzzzzzzzz nothing to say any more bye
signing off Roy